Your energy level may keep you from being as active as someone without sickle cell disease. But you should still get some exercise regularly.
There are many benefits to staying active:
Your bones and muscles will be stronger
You will lower your chance of having high blood pressure or getting diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer
You will be able to manage stress better
You will have more energy so that you can do more
You will sleep better
You will feel better.
In general, you should get 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 days a week. If you are not used to being active, talk to your provider before you start exercising.
Start slow, with 30 minutes 1 day a week and slowly increase to 30 minutes 5 days a week.
You don’t have to join a gym or use fancy equipment to get the right amount of exercise. You can walk briskly, swim, or mow the lawn.
water aerobics
riding a bike
There are easy ways to make exercising part of your normal routine:
Park a little farther away from the door when you go out
Take the steps instead of the elevator
Walk in place while you watch your favorite show, or maybe during the commercials.
Always make sure to stay well hydrated while you exercise.